Back to School Preschool Activities
Are you looking for some fun back to school activities to do in your preschool classroom? Keep reading for some of my favorite tried and true back to school ideas!
Back to School Crayon Name Activity
Once the class list is final, this is a perfect activity to have prepped and ready to go. This editable back to school crayon themed activity will help your students with cutting skills and name recognition. Print them on bright colored construction paper or white construction paper and have your students color them. This crayon name and scissor resource is available in my TPT store.
Back to School Preschool Cutting Activity
Practice cutting skills with these back to school themed scissor printables. Print the pencils on yellow paper and cut them out. Have your students practice cutting on the lines.

Download the back to school scissor activity here.
Happy 1st Day of School Crowns
These are so much fun for the first day of school and make an adorable photo op!

I See My Friends Class Book

This is a fun beginning of the year activity to do with your students. I love to make a class book for our book corner using card stock, laminating, and binding. You can also make individual books for each of your students printed on copy paper and staple them together. These are so fun to read with your students and send home! Download the resource here!
More Back to School Tips!
This blog post is a list of all things I try to remember for the first day/week of school!
One of my favorite teacher tips is HP Instant Ink for all my printing! See this blog post for more info.
This is another fun activity to do at the beginning of the year!