Okay, I desperately need photo lessons on how to take good light/shadow pictures. Sorry for the poor picture quality in this post! However, looking at the positive, my kiddos were very excited to work with flashlights for most of the morning!
This was how I intended this activity to be used during our work time.
This was how my super creative kiddos thought the activity should be used!
The light box was out, with some fun colored disks, shapes, and cookie cutters.
These two books were awesome additions to our story-time this week! The Black Rabbit is an adorable book about a bunny who is being followed by a big black rabbit. The kiddos figured early on that is was his shadow, but that added to the enjoyment of the book! Oscar and the Moth: A Book About Light and Dark was an excellent introduction to the science behind light and dark. Simple, fun and informative. I have included affiliate links if you are interested in purchasing for your library!
The kiddos used the flashlight to experiment with different objects, testing to see if light would travel through.
I’m not sure how, but a flashlight became part of our play-dough work!
Flashlight writing! Throughout the week, I added new things on the white board for the kiddos to trace using a flashlight. We traced letters, numbers, and shapes. I will definitely keep this going for a while. The kiddos had a lot of fun with it:)
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