Keep your students engaged while they learn! I am always changing up the themes in our classroom. The ocean animal theme is a favorite in our preschool classroom. I had so much fun including all of our favorite activities in this Ocean Animal-themed resource. Included are activities to print and add to your shelves for free choice time and printables for journal activities or in case you need distance learning materials.
I use these ocean animal vocabulary cards during circle time for building language skills. During free-choice time I will ask the kids to bring me the seahorse or the eel.
The ocean animal matching cards are on the shelf for the kids to use during free-choice time.
Ocean animal vocabulary coloring and tracing printables for the kids ready to color and trace.
The ocean animal beginning sounds clip cards are a shelf activity the kids pull out during free-choice time. Add a sticker to the back for control of error check.
Beginning sounds printables for the kids ready to color and trace.
Ocean animal emergent readers both color and black and white are available. These are great for practicing easy sight words.
A hands-on ocean animal preposition activity. Cut out the dolphin and wave or the seahorse and seagrass and attach to popsicle sticks. Practice position words.
Ocean animal 10-frames to use with ocean animal counters. Perfect for your math shelf!
Ocean animal count and clip cards are also on our math shelf.
Ocean themed number tracing and counting printables
Ocean animal number puzzles for the math shelf.
Ocean number puzzle printables for the kids who are ready to color and work on their scissor skills.
Color by number printable
Ocean animal sorting
A few ocean animal patterning shelf activities are included in the resource, including a make your own pattern.
Ocean animal patterning worksheets
Ocean Animal write and wipe sleeve activities
Click here to find these Ocean Animal Preschool Activities!
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Looking for another theme to add to your curriculum? Try insects!
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