We love using pocket charts in our preschool classroom. There are endless ideas and opportunities to teach while using pocket charts and preschoolers love using pocket charts to work independently. We have several pocket charts hanging in the classroom and I use magnetic hooks to hang them on our whiteboard. The pocket chart activities can be found here in my TPT store.

A simple color sorting activity is a great way to introduce using pocket charts to your students.

We use the pocket chart to work on beginning sounds and vocabulary. I will initially introduce this activity in a group setting and model how the material is used. The kids love the picture clues and they really enjoy being able to work independently.

I love this hands-on CVC activity. I come from a Montessori background and my kinds love using the moveable alphabet. This is an extension of that material.

This rhyming resource fits perfectly in our pocket chart. Anytime I can add a rhyming activity into our classroom I will. It is so important for the kids to have many opportunities to learn this important skill.

We use a pocket chart for our classroom jobs. It is really quick to rotate the names each day.

The older kids love to read their weekly poems in this large pocket chart. I also use this pocket chart with seasonal or holiday vocabulary words and simple sight word sentences. Add a pointer and it will become the most popular activity in the classroom! Looking for a fun poem for your class, Orange is a Carrot is one of our favorites. You can find the pocket chart sentences here.

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