Preschool Holiday Wreath Projects
These holiday wreath projects are fun to make in the preschool classroom. The wreaths will add a seasonal or holiday decoration to your walls and the kids will be so impressed with their work when they take them home!
These take a little bit of prep, but the reward is worth it. Cut out the center of a paper plate, the stronger plates look the best, and then cut out the shapes. I like to vary the shades and colors of the construction paper. When adding the string use hot glue for extra strength.
**Teacher Tip** Print the shape template on copy paper and staple it to three or four sheets of construction paper and cut them out. This will save A LOT of time!
This is a great time to teach your students ‘Drop Drop Not A Lot‘ when using the glue bottle. This is an amazing fine motor activity!

This leaf wreath is fun to make during the fall season! Use red, green, yellow, and orange paper for the leaves.

This holly leaf wreath is perfect for Christmas time! Cut out the holly leaves on various shades of green paper and add the red berries, (fingerprints in red paint would work too!)

Of course, a Valentine’s Day wreath is necessary for the month of February. I especially love the red, white, and blue ones!

Lots of shades of green for this shamrock St. Patrick’s Day-themed wreath!
Pin for inspiration!
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