Rainbow Activities for the Preschool Classroom
Right around St. Patrick’s Day and the beginning of spring, our theme is rainbows and the classroom is buzzing with rainbow activities.

By now the kids have a good amount of scissor experience behind them and can easily cut out the half circles. To prep, I used various-sized bowls in my kitchen to trace the lines on the colored paper. This project takes a bit to prep, but the kids are proud of their rainbows.
Rainbow collages are a fun and easy art project. We used cardboard for ours and added colored card stock, fabric, paint chip samples, wasabi tape, and pom-poms.

We do this project every year and the results are stunning. On the bottom left corner of the paper, I placed a dot of red, then orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Have the kids use a popsicle stick to smear the paint in an arc motion. ****Practice first! Every year I make one first and show the kids how to do it. Before placing the paint on the paper I show the kids how to hold the popsicle stick and have them practice the arc motion.
A simple prep and fun project are these dot art rainbows. Dot art is always my go-to when I need one more art project and don’t have a lot of extra prep time.
On our easel, I drew rainbows for the kids to paint.
On our train table, I made rainbows on butcher paper and put out a bunch of colors for the kids to paint as a group. Sorry, forgot to snap a pic:( But it is a fun activity!
On our language shelf, we have our pot of gold and rainbow preposition activity. The kids love this activity and it is a great way to teach position words. The kids will use the cards to position the pot of gold with the rainbow. This is a great interactive activity!
During our group time we will read, Where is the pot of gold? And during our work time, the kids can choose to color their own:)
Also on the language shelf are the rainbow alphabet cards. The kids can use these to work on their initial sound matching and upper and lower case matching.

Every day during our calendar time, we count to 20. I made these rainbow numbers to hang on the wall just to change up the classroom decor.
We made rainbow necklaces out of Fruit Loops. I told the kids they had to string all of the same colors before moving on to the next color. They love to be given the extra challenge.
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