Winter Preschool Scissor Activities
Are you looking to add a few fun winter scissor activities to your preschool classroom this season? Scroll to find a few ideas.
Fold square pieces of paper and show your students how to make snowflakes. Watch as they are in awe when opening their folded papers to reveal snowflakes. Be sure to have a bunch of folded paper ready! My students can’t get enough of this craft. When they have mastered the folded squares, try folding circle shapes or coffee filters and then paint them with watercolors. I also love to add large snowflakes to our easel.
These winter scissor puzzles are easy to prep! Print on white construction paper and cut the sheet in half. Give your students crayons and scissors and they can make their own puzzles!
Color and cut apart.

Glue them to a piece of paper or add them to an interactive notebook.
These fun winter puzzles can be found in my TPT store.
Practice cutting straight lines on snowballs, mittens, winter hats, and hot chocolate cups (my favorites)!

Print these winter shapes on colorful card stock or construction paper, cut them out, and have your students cut on the lines.
Print these pages here!

I love this extension to these number-order puzzles. Print these black-and-white number order puzzles on white construction paper and have your students color them and then cut them apart. They can practice their scissor and number order skills. You can find the number puzzles here! My kids love this activity.
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